Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Cosmic Joy Herbal Supplement for Good Mood

Cosmic Joy is a natural supplement for improving your mood and state of mind. It will:
  • Balance your Brain Chemistry
  • Support Stress Relief
  • Bolster Serotonin Activity
Cosmic Joy maintains normal brain chemistry, fights cerebral deterioration, and supports Serotonin activity to improve your mood.
100% Herbal Extracts Formulation
Common NameBotanical NamePrimary Benefits
AshwangandhaWithania SomniferaSupports healthy nervous system function
Gotu KolaCentalla AsiaticaPromotes normal neuronal firing 
Long PepperPiper LongumSupports metabolism to engender alertness
Ginger Zingiber Officinale Fosters natural stress relief
ShatavariAsparagus Racemosus Sustains healthy nervous system function 
CelastrusCelastrus Dependens Supports peaceful state of mind 
Dwarf Morning GloryEvolvulus AlsinoidesBolsters normal inherent brain function 
JatamansiNardostachys JatamansiFosters natural nervous system function

Cosmic Joy's proprietary formulation contains 248 natural phytonutrients that exert 480 synergistic activities on your body. Many of these phytonutrients are widely recognized for their contribution to Mood Enhancement.
For example:
  • Asiatic Acid - Prevents mental degradation
  • Asiaticoside - Prevents mental degradation
  • Melatonin- Fosters healthy mood

Are you ready for peace of mind and happiness? Try Cosmic Joy today!

How does Cosmic Joy Work?

Cosmic Joy's ingredients enhance your mood in three major ways:
  • Balance Brain Chemistry
  • Support Stress Relief
  • Bolster Serotonin Activity
That sounds great, but what does it mean?
Approximately 21 million American adults (9.5% of the U.S. population age 18 and older) experience a mood disorder every year.  Some of the primary causes are:
  • Neurotransmitter and hormonal imbalances
  • Major life events (trauma, death of loved ones, chronic illness, job loss, and divorce)
  • Aging and having to live alone without social support
Your mood can be improved by addressing body imbalances, relieving stress, and promoting a sense of well-being.

Cosmic Joy and Brain Chemistry

The nerve cells (neurons) in your brain produce chemicals known as neurotransmitters that carry electrical impulses across the gap between nerve cells. Normal brain function requires a balance between the different types of chemicals. Depression and anxiety can occur due to chemical imbalances in your brain.  These imbalances can be caused by poor nutrition, sleep deprivation, ongoing stress, inactivity, toxins, medications, and substance abuse.

To maintain normal brain chemistry in your brain, the concentrated herbal extracts in Cosmic Joy supply nutrients that are proven to balance brain chemistry.

3 Anti-Anxiety Nutrients: Calcium, Magnesium, Tryptophan
30 Anti-Depressants: 6-Gingerdiol, 6-Gingesulfonic-Acid, 9-Oxo-Nerolidol, Alpha-Selinene, Alpha-Zingiberene, Ascorbic-Acid, Beta-Santalol, Beta-Selinene, Caffeic-Acid, Calcium, Capric-Acid, Citronellyl-Acetate, Decan-1-Al, Dodecanoic-Acid, Elemol, Ethyl-Myristate, Fluoride, Galanolactone, Geranial, Gingerenone-A, Gingerenone-B, Gingerenone-C, Magnesium, Melatonin, Methyl-Caprylate, Methyl-Isobutyl-Ketone, Phenylalanine, Potassium, Quercetin, Tryptophan.

1 Anti-Neurasthenic: Thiamin.

1 Anti-Neurotic: Magnesium.

19 Anti-Psychotics: 6-Gingerdiol, 6-Gingesulfonic-Acid, 9-Oxo-Nerolidol, Alpha-Selinene, Alpha-Zingiberene, Beta-Santalol, Beta-Selinene, Capric-Acid, Citronellyl-Acetate, Decan-1-Al, Dodecanoic-Acid, Elemol, Ethyl-Myristate, Fluoride, Galanolactone, Geranial, Gingerenone-A, Gingerenone-B, Gingerenone-C.

3 Anxiolytics for Anxiety Treatment: Caffeic-Acid, Gamma-Aminobutyric-Acid, Glutamic-Acid.

6 Cns-Stimulants: 1, 8-Cineole, Borneol, Camphor, Chlorogenic-Acid, Geraniol, Scopoletin.

1 Neurotransmitter: Gamma-Aminobutyric-Acid.

Cosmic Joy and Stress Relief

Sustained stress leads to elevated coritsol (stress hormone) levels and reduced serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine neurotransmiter levels in the brain.  Ongoing stress also blocks the activity of neuritin (a gene that protects the brain from mood diorders) and reduces neural plasticity (the changeability of neural pathways and synapses in the brain).  This combination increases your vulnerability to anxiety and depression.

Cosmic Joy fights this cerebral deterioration by delivering phytonutrients that provide stress relief.

5 Anti-Stress Nutrients: Beta-Carotene, Gamma-Aminobutyric-Acid, Sitoindoside-Ix, Sitoindoside-X, Sitoindosides.

12 Anti-Hypertensives: Alpha-Linolenic-Acid, Arginine, Ascorbic-Acid, Calcium, Fiber, Gamma-Aminobutyric-Acid, Magnesium, Potassium, Quercetin, Rutin, Tannin, Tryptophan.

15 Anti-Insomniacs: Calcium, Magnesium, Melatonin, Methyl-Caprylate, Methyl-Isobutyl-Ketone, Myrtenal, N-Butyraldehyde, N-Decanal, N-Heptane, Neral, Patchouli-Alcohol, Pipecolic-Acid, Propionaldehyde, Tryptophan, Zinc.

5 Anti-Migraine Nutrients: Ascorbic-Acid, Magnesium, Riboflavin, Thiamin, Tryptophan.

55 Sedatives: 1, 6-Gingerol, 6-Shogaol, 8-Cineole, Alpha-Pinene, Alpha-Terpineol, Angelicin, Benzaldehyde, Beta-Eudesmol, Borneol, Bornyl-Acetate, Brahminoside, Brahmoside, Caffeic-Acid, Caryophyllene, Citral, Citronellal, Citronellol, Eugenol, Farnesol, Gamma-Aminobutyric-Acid, Geraniol, Geranyl-Acetate, Gingerol, Humulene, Isoborneol, Isoeugenol, Isogingerenone-B, Isovaleraldehyde, Isovaleric-Acid, Jatamansone, Labda-Trans-8(17)-12-Diene-15-16-Dial, Limonene, Linalool, Melatonin, Methyl-Caprylate, Methyl-Isobutyl-Ketone, Myrtenal, N-Butyraldehyde, N-Decanal, N-Heptane, Neral, Nerol, Niacin, P-Cymene, Patchouli-Alcohol, Perillaldehyde, Pipecolic-Acid, Propionaldehyde, Shogaol, Somniferine, Stigmasterol, Tryptophan, Visamine, Withasomnine, Zingibain.

Cosmic Joy and Serotonin

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that modulates mood, emotion, sleep, and appetite. Decreased serotoninergic neurotransmission has been linked to the occurence of depression.

Cosmic Joy improves your mood by supplying high concentrations of nutrients that support Serotonin activity.

15 Serotoninergics that enhance Serotonin effects: Melatonin, Methyl-Caprylate, Methyl-Isobutyl-Ketone, Myrtenal, N-Butyraldehyde, N-Decanal, N-Heptane, Neral, Niacin, Patchouli-Alcohol, Pipecolic-Acid, Propionaldehyde, Shogaol, Tryptophan, Zingibain.

1 Mao-A-Inhibitor (prevents Serotonin breakdown to increase its availability): Quercetin.

Are you ready for peace of mind and happiness? Try Cosmic Joy today!